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Monday, January 2, 2012

External and Internal Environments

Mr. Schmitt, I am not so sure about your continued use of "conspiracy theory" maybe there is a bit of phobia there, but in your statement below "just think of conspiracy theories regarding water fluoridation, "contrails","

I do have concern over fluoridation, but "contrails" are just a natural exhaust from aircraft. What you must have intended to say was "chemtrails" right? I seem to lean more in using the terms GeoEngineering and Aerosol Spraying that is being done for weather modification purposes among other things. Following is a report on that very thing and it may serve you well to read the report and maybe contact some of the FEDERAL EXECUTIVE TEAM members.

U.S. Climate Change Science Program Synthesis and Assessment Product 2.3

Director, Climate Change Science Program: ...William J. Brennan
Director, Climate Change Science Program Office: ... Peter A. Schultz
Lead Agency Principal Representative to CCSP,
Associate Director for Research, Earth Science Division,
National Aeronautics and Space Administration: ...Jack Kaye
Lead Agency Point of Contact, Earth Science Division,
National Aeronautics and Space Administration: ...Hal Maring
Product Lead, Laboratory for Atmospheres,
Earth Science Division, Goddard Space Flight Center,
National Aeronautics and Space Administration: ... Mian Chin
Chair, Synthesis and Assessment Product Advisory Group
Associate Director, National Center for Environmental
Assessment, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: ...Michael W. Slimak
Synthesis and Assessment Product Coordinator,
Climate Change Science Program Office:... Fabien J.G. Laurier

Atmospheric Aerosol Properties and Climate Impacts Report itself was put together by the Editors from NASA, Mian Chin and Ralph A. Kahn with help from Stephen E. Schwartz from the DOE

To catch you up to date with the aerosol spraying Mr. Schmitt, I'm sure if you contact any of those mentioned above they will be more than happy to share additional information with you.

What I find interesting but more so, frightening, is that on the subcommitte although there was one Allen Dearry representing the Department of Health and Human Services, the report does not in fact address the impact on health of humans, animals or even plants. In this entire report "health" is only mentioned once on page 12 in chapter 1.2 where it states:
"The Climate Effects of Aerosols -
Aerosols exert a variety of impacts on the
environment. Aerosols (sometimes referred to
particulate matter or “PM,” especially in air
quality applications), when concentrated near
the surface, have long been recognized as affecting
pulmonary function and other aspects
of human health. Sulfate and nitrate aerosols
play a role in acidifying the surface downwind
of gaseous sulfur and odd nitrogen sources.".

If you happen to be Michael P. Schmitt, the Principal Investigator for Biomarkers of Vaccine Safety and Efficiency who works for the FDA I would hope consideration is given to the amount of additional aluminum, sulfer, barium, strontium etc which is already being absorbed, ingested and inhaled by these small bodies from the aerosol projects in thier specific areas. Again I say, for safety sake, that when it comes to vaccines, one size could not possibly fit all. Aluminum as you must know as a biochemist is a very hard element to remove from the body.

Here in the area where I am living in California for instance, there is a great amount of these elements falling out of the sky in the air, into our water and our soil.

There is plenty of information available for families that would like to better understand how the external environment is changing. Living in an ever changing external environment most definitely effects our internal environments. The following video explains this VERY well.

Even the famous Louis Pasteur said: "The terrain is everything".

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