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Monday, January 2, 2012


As long as you can laugh you are doing great Mr. Schmitt, laughter is good medicine after all. ;)

You certainly aren't claiming that because the reference made to the report on the contaminated vaccines wasn't true. Are you? It just happened that these 2 particular websites that you claim to be less than reputable, seemed to have the most coverage of the story that is backed up by:

The Times of India and the

The Canadian Press

I do agree with you that it is a shame that anyone would have to rely on only a few websites to get this sort of information. It amazingly enough wasn't on mainstream , CBS, FOX, ABC etc. That is a bit peculiar isn't it? Does make on begin to wonder.

Could it be that this is one of those stories that was not to be told over mainstream broadcasting, the nightly news, etc.? I remember another broadcast that I would have liked to seen years before I saw it finally. It is a story on "What is in your milk?" It is an eye-opening documentary on the hazards of milk containing rBGH which includes footage from a news series prepared for a Florida Fox TV station canceled after they received a letter from Monsanto’s attorney threatening “dire consequences. (the video clip can be accessed at the following website.

Others visitors here may be interested in knowing that milk with rBGH is still being sold but there are brands now marked "No rBGH".

This has been an enlightening discussion and I do thank Boise Weekly for the opportunity to witness first hand some of the reports and studies that the pro-vaccine medical community base their decisions on.

Wishing a Happy New Year to ALL!

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