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Friday, December 23, 2011

Please Bare With Me

Today is a new day. It Is Here NOW! (you'll also see a website if you like) Today is the Winter Solstice. To me it is the beginning of my new year, I live by the seasons as most of you know. Looking forward to a Wonder-FULL new year. My motto is Live, Love & Breath. I believe we are all here for a calling and my Intent is to follow the Light, it is the only thing that makes sense in this world, in these times. I believe we are in the New Beginning. (you may also want to check out You that know me, know I Love you ALL.

So please bare with me, I've been diverted to a subject that I've really already put 12 years of study into but unfortunately I erred in presuming that enough material has been provided through out the Internet, the Libraries, schools, medical professionals, universities etc, that more so-called "educated" people would already have discovered, or at least contemplated the options truly available to people.

Sorry, I'll get more to the point here, don't mean to be rambling. (but I am a bit excited) I caught an article this past week about Boise Idaho. My sister used to live there so I reviewed it. It was an article in the Boise Weekly about vaccinations. There is a comment board at the bottom of the article on the webpage so knowing what I've learned from researching, talking with medical doctors, scientists, professor, chemists, biochemists, patients, care-givers, nurses etc. I thought it reasonable to ask a question if any studies had been done on if any connection at all vaccinations may have in later developing Diabetes.

I thought this to be a simple enough question since that is where we are in our studies and research. (Trying to determine, actually trying to find someone, anyone that has Diabetes and has NOT been vaccinated.) As a matter of fact, we've yet to find someone that has Cancer and has NOT been vaccinated. I am not saying that vaccinations must surely lead to Diabetes and/or Cancer, just saying our research group of now over 5,000 has yet to find someone. (if you know of someone that has Diabetes and/or Cancer I would very much like to talk with them)

So, making a long story short, I will be posting some resource/research material here for "who knows how long" and do make use of the information if you wish. My time is your time, if we can help each other along the way I think we'll get there much quicker. :)

Before this Comment Board grabbed my attention I was totally engulfed in my newest project for the New Year, thankfully it also works synergistically with the previous plans, just maybe an enhanced version. :) Merry Christmas to ALL! I know it is coming up in a couple of days. My love is with each of you ALL Ways!

Oh, here is a link to the article that grabbed my attention:

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